Ramblings, photographs on a haphazard basis

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

The phoolishness continues

I promise not to continue with the cute spelling. If it hadn't been for the difficulty of choosing the first blog title, I might never have fallen into such sinful ways. I do, however, promise to occasionally spell check my entries, as much from habit as concern that you Dear Reader will feel obliged to point out the continuing errors of my ways.

At the moment, this blog seems superfluous to my needs. If I want to post photos, and god knows why I would on anything other than a website created to corral some clients, there's always Flickr.

Still, there's a nagging suspicion that someday I’ll find a use for this blog. My worry is that some poor soul with too much time on his/her hands, and bored by all the T&A online will do some random searching on Blogger and leave a comment here. Please don't. I will feel the need to respond and who knows where that kind of thing can lead.

Now, once before I had a similarly named Blog, and the frustration mounted when I was no longer able to create a new post, except as a comment I could leave myself. I visited there briefly today, and was lured into trying again...mostly to see whether I could also add a link to one of my check-every-day blogs:

By the way, there may come a day when everyone on Earth has a blog. They may even be mandatory. When that happens, 'Knock Knock' jokes will reign supreme, with the lowest of the most common denominators winning the field.

Goodnight, Dear Reader.

1 comment:

John DM said...

curious, but if i leave a comment for my blogging self, will i need to answer? Or can i just scrape it off the bottom of my shoe?
It seems i now have a website, a blog, a Flickr account, and gawd knows how many email accounts, and everything hinges on the internet not being wiped out by a stray meteor. I'm feeling dinosaurish, i guess.

regards, Mr. Blogger