Ramblings, photographs on a haphazard basis

Friday, July 25, 2008

Day's last light

Yesterday was as hot and muggy as it gets hereabouts—and that means someone misplaced the Gulf of Mexico weather. As uncomfortable as the high humidity was, it did contribute to massive cloud formations that were still catching daylight as the earth below settled into night.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

39 Steps

No, not the Hitchcock movie. Just one step for every year. Did you notice that it's 39 years ago today that Neil Armstrong took that "first small step"?

What's that in dog years, howling at the moon-wise?

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

An end to obesity

The Conference Board of Canada issued an interim report yesterday that provided a report card on the nation and the grade for health has slipped a bit, mostly because of the growing incidence of obesity. The board's point is that today's young people are the first generation in some time that are likely to be less healthy than their parents.

I'd debate that if only because I haven't been young for some time and outweigh my father by far too much. The generational thing happened some time ago, I'd say.

However, it occurs to me that this design, if printed on a plate, might discourage me from cleaning it off at every meal and thereby reduce my caloric intake. Can a plate be considered a health device?

This poster comes from the 'inspiration series' on Veerle's Blog